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Monday, February 1, 2016

CBC Hosts Safety Meeting for Ohio River Towing Partners

The CBC Quality and Customer Service (Q&CS) team held a safety meeting on Thursday, January 28th with towing partners from the Ohio River region and several key customers. Q&CS was joined by CBC representatives from Marketing, Transportation Services, Barge Maintenance, and Operations. Representatives from Marquette Transportation, Hunter Marine, Campbell Transportation, Marathon Petroleum and CLM Towing participated in our Safety Meeting at CBC’s Downtown Office to discuss critical aspects of a Towing Vessel Safety Management System. The group was joined by vetting team members from Marathon Petroleum, Shell, and SeaRiver who provided a valuable perspective. (See photo below of the group present during the meeting.)

CBC’s transportation system relies on third party towing and fleeting operators to make our logistics system safe and efficient. Accordingly, CBC views these vendors as critical partners. We have high safety, environmental and quality expectations for these partners and have an interest in learning from them and they, in turn, learn from us.

Our safety and customer service goal is ZERO injuries and incidents!