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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Fortune Magazine: “The Untamable River Trade”

Fortune Magazine featured a story, “The Untamable River Trade – Barge Operators Wage a Continual, Chaotic, Slow-Motion Battle of Logistics,” in the December 26, 2011 issue that highlighted the value of our industry to the nation’s economy and the importance of waterways infrastructure funding. The story was also featured on CNNMoney’s website. The author, Ken Otterbourg, spent time with CBC crews aboard the M/V Elizabeth Lane, which operates in the Tennessee Valley Authority trade; visited the Seamen’s Church Institute’s training center; and interviewed many other industry representatives including Merritt Lane, CBC President & CEO.

This is another example of CBC’s commitment to sharing our story and working to increase understanding of our industry’s tremendous value to the American economy and way of life.

To view the story, please click here.